Our Editor


Matthew Ruddick

Author of Funny Valentine, an acclaimed new biography of the jazz trumpet player and singer, Chet Baker.
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Lyia Meta is a multi-award-winning singer and exhibited visual artist. She has a warm contralto voice and her music blends jazz with blues, rock, and popular genres. She has an operatically trained voice which affords her techniques which she seamlessly blends into her music. Based in her homes of L.A. and Malaysia, her popularity is soaring on both sides of the Pacific and further afield as more people discover the depth of talent this artist has. At the 2022 Global Music Awards, Meta scooped Best Album and Best Female Vocalist awards, and at the 2022 Texas Sounds International Country Music Awards, she won the sought-after Performance of The Year Award, proving her multi-genre appeal. KOJ caught up with her ahead of ‘Next’, her next album release which hits platforms on July 26th, and the release of her single ‘Easier and Easier’ on July 5th (independent).    

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Our Contributors


Rob Mallows

London Jazz Meetup owner and fan of ‘plugged in’ jazz.

Simon Cooney

By day a full time Londoner in tv news. By night jazzaholic

Fernando Rose

I love my jazz and I bless the funk. I play percussion for all and sundry and go by @Mr Cool.

Grae Shennan

Laboratory scientist with a love of evolving music that defies boundaries. 

Hilary Robertson

Jazz-obsessed freelance writer and saxist.

Kim Cypher

Saxophonist, vocalist, composer, band leader and radio show presenter. Follows dreams and loves to celebrate great music and musicians.

Fiona Ross

Fiona is the founder of the award winning organisation Women in Jazz Media. She writes for many publications across the globe.

Wendy Kirkland

Jazz pianist and singer with wide musical tastes spanning latin through fusion to bebop and swing. Cat fanatic.

Elana Shapiro

From Manchester, currently living in Berlin. Lover of jazz, RnB, and soul inspired music.

Award-winning journalist and author. I write about music, jazz in particular, but music of all kinds.